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Ozone Run 2024

Ozone Run 2024 - 3 Edition

Event On - 15th Sep 2024

Registration Closed


Ozone Run – A Possible Dream

“Every great city of the world must have a Marathon. Nothing binds a city as the miracle of Marathon does!”

Introduction:  Since the time we all know, many volunteer organizations or personalities have impacted the lives of the common people with many positive changes across the world. Majority of them have conducted a host of world-class sporting events across various disciplines including Cricket, Tennis, Football, Volleyball, WWE, Badminton, Squash, Rugby, Kabaddi and Horse Racing to bring in awareness. Similarly, one day, two budding stars of Hyderabad, namely Bilova Vunnam & Teerdha Vunnam were engaged in a discussion, as to how much Pollution persists in the city they live in, especially they were shaken by the presence of thousands of Air Conditioners used by the residents and their ill effects on the environment. In fact, they gathered the information from reliable sites available in the internet that most of these air conditioners are fueled by electricity and use a refrigerant that results in gaseous emissions which contribute immensely to global warming and in turn depletion of ozone layer. It pinched them so much that some studies predict that by 2050, roughly 25 percent of global warming will be caused by these Air Conditioners and Chemicals released by Industry, mainly chlorofluorocarbons (CFCs). They being aware of one of the important goals of UNSDGs, SDG 13 – Climate Action, they took an initiative of Promoting and organizing a 10km run in this city and named it as “OZONE RUN”
Aim: The one and only Ozone layer or Ozone shield available in the region of Earth’s stratosphere safeguards us from the Sun’s ultraviolet radiation. In order to save the Mother Earth and raise awareness levels among the local population, it is the equal responsibility of all like minded people to promote, participate and play an important role towards this mega event “OZONE RUN” and also achieve the ultimate aim / noble cause of saving the Ozone layer.
Schedule: The United Nations General Assembly has designated September 16 as the International Day for the Preservation of the Ozone Layer. “Ozone Run” is scheduled to be held on 18 Sep 2022 being Sunday and a holiday for the majority of the people in Hyderabad.
Races: Three types of Races planned are 10K, 5K, AND 2K. First 2 types will be for Runners and the last one will be for walkers and young children.
 Participants:  Every responsible global citizen is eligible for participation in this “OZONE RUN”. At least a minimum of 1000 participants from all walks of life are expected to participate in this inclusive Run.
Three categories of participation
1) Participate to run 
2) Climate Action Ambassador (promote this run in the local communities, motivate 10 or more people to join and to be recognised with certificate, silver medal or gold medal. 
3) Collaboration / Partners
Entry Tickets Sale of tickets will start at designated points in the city and online from last week of Aug, 2022.
Facilities All facilities like Water points, Mobile Toilets, First Aid, Ambulances, Breakfast and Selfie point will be made available for smooth conduct of the event. 
Prizes Suitable prizes will be given away on completion of the run in following categories. 
Above 40
Below 40
First and  Second

First and Second
First – Coupon worth Rs.5000/- and Trophy
Second – Coupon worth Rs.2500/- and Trophy
Above 40
Below 40
First and Second
First and Second
First – Coupon worth Rs.5000/- and Trophy
Second – Coupon worth Rs.2500/- and Trophy
Above 14 – 17
Below 14
First and Second
First and Second
First – Coupon worth Rs.5000/- and Trophy
Second – Coupon worth Rs.2500/- and Trophy
Sponsors The organizers will look forward to the Sponsors for supporting and collaborating in all possible ways both in cash and in kind. 
Inference The success of conducting the event lies in mass participation, promotion of social awareness and sense of responsibility towards Mother Earth through this “OZONE RUN”. The Budding Stars requesting all responsible citizens to make this event a grand success by spreading a word through known contacts, social media and all available means. They firmly believed that running was a panacea for society – taking personal responsibility, spreading it to the neighbourhoods and involving all those who care for making hyderabad a sustainable city by bringing together people, from varying abilities, caste, creed and social strata, onto a common platform. “The road is a great leveler”.
About Save Water And Nature (www.swan.org.in) 
SWAN, which is a non-profit organization conceived in order to conserve water and nature. The workshops conducted are to impart knowledge on the importance of environmental sustainability. SWAN empowers children and young adults who act as little soldiers to promote general awareness levels of the local population by contributing in every small zone of our society. In 2009, the first step was taken in Landmark residency on saving water and nature. This Motivated the residents to construct rain water

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Event Results

  • Finisher Count


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Important Dates

  • Registration Start Date 01st Jul 2024
  • Event Date 15th Sep 2024


Registration Fees

  • 10KM 1000 All Inc.
  • 5km Run 800 All Inc.
  • 2k 400 All Inc.

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